Video Link Request Submitted Successfully


The information that you provided will help the team better understand your requirements.
You will receive a call or email within the next 1 – 4 hours where we will go through your requirements in more detail.
In the meantime if your hearing is within the next 48 hour and therefore urgent Please call +44(0)203 751 4583

Our new procedures mean that before we can contact your client/witness we need their consent, either from you as their council (assuming you have received permission to pass on their details for us to contact them) or directly from them via email.  I can confirm that any details supplied to our organisation will not be passed on to a third party or indeed used for any other purpose other than to connect  your witness to court. We will delete all contact details relating to this matter within 5 days after the video link. 

For more details about our general privacy policy please visit

If you do not have video conferencing in your office try our secure desktop video conferencing software

Speak soon,


Video Conferencing Team.