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This Documentation can be found under the help menu inside the Vibe application. |
_ Tool Bar | ![]() |
_ 1. Mouse-over buttons to see a description of thier functions. | |
_ 2. A check mark on the button indicates that the device is active. | |
_ 3. Click on the arrow to display a drop down menu | |
_ 4. Audio level is shown in VU meter, click on speaker VU meter to adjust volume. | |
_ 5. Click on the menu logo to see additional menu options. | |
_ 6.Number of meeting participants | |
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_ Arranging the Video Tiles | ![]() |
_ 1. Click any of these video tiles to move them down when “click to select” mode is enabled. | |
_ 2. Detach button opens a sepearte window of this video for special placement or enlargement. | |
_ 3. Drag the separator bar up to increase the size of the angled – display area. | |
_ 4. Click on any of these video tiles to move them to the full – display area. | |
_ 5. The speech bubble indicates who is currently speaking. | |
_ Video Display Modes | ![]() |
_ 1. A green ball with check mark on the bottom indicates that the mode is active. | |
_ 2. No in-bound video is received in order to optimise your experience. | |
_ 3. All video streams have been combined into one stream to optimise your experience. | |
_ 4. Maximise display tile of current speaker. | |
_ 5. Maximise display tiles of those selected. (Click to select) | |
_ 6. Display all videos at maximised size available. | |
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_ Paricipants List | ![]() |
_ 1. Standard participant colour. | |
_ 2. Recently joined ( in the last few seconds) | |
_ 3. Now exiting (in the last few seconds ) | |
_ 4. Meeting moderator | |
_ 5. Currently speaking | |
_ 6. Previous Speaker | |
_ 7. Selected participant : _ – Double click to open a private chat _ – Right click to open menu |
_ Chat features | ![]() |
_ 1. Click to open/close chat, number indicates count of unread message. | |
_ 2. Input text here ‘Enter/Return’ key to send. | |
_ 3. Arrow keys to navigate into the history of your previous sent messages. | |
_ 4. Any sent web URL’s becomes clickable in the chat. | |
_ 5. Menu of Emoticons | |
_ 6. Ring bell and shake screen of another participant. | |
_ Desktop Share | ![]() |
_ 1. Start & stop desktop share application to send your desktop. | |
_ 2. Title bar : _ – Window can be dragged vy the title bar _ – Double click to toggle screen size between full screen & windowed mode |
_ 3. Start & stop transmission : _ – Red : Sending _ – Grey : Not Sending |
_ 4. Close & stop desktop share. | |
_ 5. Drag this corner to resize the shared viewing area. |
_ Call H.323 / SIP client | ![]() |
_ 1. Open the menu and select “Call H.323 / SIP client”. | |
_ 2. Select the protocol : H.323 or SIP. | |
_ 3. Type the address of your client : —H.323 : IP/host of the client OR alias@gatekeeperIP OR alias@gatekeeperHost. —SIP : alias@hostclient. |
_ 4. Click to initiate the call and later on to hang up. | |
_ 5. Shows the Call’s status. | |
_ 6. Key used to interact with remote client, like meeting number or password (DTMF) |