I have been using links since they were first allowed, thinking of myself as of one of those who promoted their use much earlier than many, and indeed I have been at the criminal bar for a very long time. Your link and in particular your service and management of that service before and during the link was not only impeccable, but by far the best and most efficient I have come across. Hence my need to send this note of thanks. In particular your ability to get through the difficult court administration system for links, to change the timings without fuss or protest, and with ease; and for delivering a perfectly timed link which we did not have to test. It simply came on at the precise requested times. It is notable that your charge to the Legal Aid fund made it much easier to obtain funding (as I understand from my solicitors). I do recommend you promote yourselves round all criminal chambers for a service which was of a different order to the usual video links that have been arranged. Regards, Chester Beyts |